The desire to feed starving people, to eliminate global hunger...
that was the water that fed the seedling of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery of Masters and Millionaires.
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There is no better day than today to begin accelerating.
Look around you and you'll find plenty of shortcuts.
The more you squeeze your sweet shortcuts,
the more juice they pour forth for you.
What You Do Speaks So Loudly You Need Not Say A Word!!
Via The Shortcut Zen of Mastery
If you don't think you waste much time, think again, look again.
Of more than a thousand discretionary minutes you have each day,
the time you spend on petty conversations alone is stunning.
Time spent waiting on line to spend money on poison;
this has to rank among your least intelligent moves.
Wake up to your realities of time, and your use of it.
Exchange the poisons for juiced fruits and vegetables.
You save more than time: you literally save your own life.
Every single facet of your life improves when you trade.
Trade up the minutes you now invest in petty mediocrities.
You're much better than that, and we are here to prove it well.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is designed to help you help yourself.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery does not want your credit card number.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery wants you to close your mouth and open up.
Your ears, your eyes, your nostrils, your hands, and feet: all are doubled.
You have two of each of these to your one mouth, to be used by you twice as much.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery and the Godfather of EyeCandy wantYou to get the most out of life.
These are the shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and assuredly YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy, and teach yourself here. The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is free for your life.