. Mathematical Facts and Figures In Re Your Importance - Successful Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires || Mister-Shortcut

Welcome to the Shortcut Zen of Mastery,  with Mister-Shortcut
Millions of healthy, enriching, empowering web pages, designed and built for YOU by MisterShortcut

Welcome to one of the world's most exciting websites, created by Mr-Shortcut for you, simply because you ARE that important!
Unimportant?   You Know How To Tell, Right?

Important? The Shortcut Zen of Mastery has an idea of your value, how important you are to at least one generation.
Most humans at some point or another question how important their "mission" may be, how important they themselves are.
Thus, the Shortcut Zen of Mastery invites you to consider the mathematical reality of how important you must be to the world.

 Each of your parents has two parents, so in the generation just prior to that of your mother & father,
there were four people whose pairing and sharing of love contributed to your existence.

You're the product of 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, 32 great-great-great-grandparents, and so on.    

Keep multiplying by two.
If you average 25 years between each generation, you'll discover that just 500 years ago, there were 1,048,576 people on this planet who were beginning the production of...you.

With such an enormous investment in the creation of you, isn't it appropriate for you to justify such heroic efforts by making the most of your opportunities?
We don't refer to what you're going to do someday, rather,
...what efforts you invest on this very day to do one, maybe more than one thing, better than you did yesterday.
Henry Ford sure seems to've been a horrible racist, and still, and yet, it is hard not to credit someone who says, profoundly, wisely:
"You cannot build a reputation based on what you are going to do."

When you grasp that you are rarer than one in a million, you'll see how important you are; how important your efforts are in the short and long run.
So, tell me, and all of us. Better yet, tell the most important face you'll ever see in a mirror,   mathematically rarer than one in a million.

    Masters & Millionaires       Shortcuts       Shame       HotClick      911day      911day II      SuperHealth      
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Healthier Wealthier Success Shortcuts at the Shortcut Zen of Mastery

QUIT SMOKING     Quit Smoking II     Quit Smoking IV     Calorie Chart     Stop Smoking Permanently V
Quit Smoking VI     How To Quit Smoking Forever VII     How To Quit Smoking Forever VIII     Quit Smoking IX
Quit Smoking Permanently X     Quit Smoking Permanently XI     Quit Smoking Forever XII     Quit Smoking Forever XIII
Stop Smoking XIIII     Quit-smoking XV.html     Quit-smoking XVI      intro-quit-smoking.html     Quit-smoking Four

Heal Naturally.net     NaturallyHealing.net     BestShortcuts.com

DrDavidCohen.net     Best-Shortcuts.com
Ayurvedic Medicine     Ayurveda II     Bodyscan2010       Mineral Infrared Therapy       Rife Technology
Breath of Life       Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory       Acoustic Cardiograph     Brain Tuner

Curing Colds       Doctors       Doctors II
Health       Health2

Herbal Medicine II      Index       Masters and Millionaires

Bodyscan Article II   YOUR Medical Dollars     Flower Essence Therapy     Naturopathic Medicine     Naturopathy II       Oregano      
Contents       Psoriasis      Medical Destiny Your Choice       Asclepius VS Hygea     
HUNGER       Doctors II       Health Shortcuts       Cold Cure       Health II
Great Shortcuts     Shortcuts.name      Scandalous!!              Xenoestrogens               911day tribute       100 add'l 911day photos


Even if you only invest one percent of your time into learning more about living and healing naturally,
a mere fifteen minutes per day, you are absolutely assured of learning of methods and approaches,
supplements and actual foods, that invariably and satisfactorily work better than many drugs.
We need to develop a more comprehensive understanding that ALL pharmaceuticals,
with not one single exception, are dangerous and/or deadly to the human system.
If they weren't, you'd be able to buy them "over the counter," wouldn't you?
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery demands that you pay more attention,
if not for your own sake, then for the sake of your loved ones.
Your children do not deserve to be fed toxic NON-remedies.

Each one of millions of unique pages created by Mr-Shortcut

Doctor-David-Cohen.net       MisterShortcut.com
NaturallyHealing.net       Healing Naturally.net
GreatestDoctor.net       MastersAndMillionaires.com
HealMeDoctor.com       MisterShortcut.com       DrDavidCohen.net

Welcome to the Shortcut Zen of Mastery of masters and champions - role models,
bringing you the great computer keyboard shortcuts
at the largest personal empowerment website online
created just for you.

Learn more and live more at your healthiest website,
where YOUR health and wealth are addressed in detail
by the single most well-read human in history,
averaging a book or two per day for more than sixteen thousand days.
The brilliance is NOT found in MisterShortcut's prolifically eager mind;
it is found in his discoveries and studies of the best thinking,
and, much more importantly, the best results of all time.
based on the best role models around us all,
because those who do it better
have a great tendency to know better.


Masters & Millionaires       Shortcuts.ws       Shame       HotClick      911day       911day II      SuperHealth      
        Make This Your Homepage

Take take take from this largest personal website on earth, with 1,000,000 unique web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by Mr-Shortcut MrShortcut
All rights reserved for those who feed who cannot feed themselves.

For now, you can feed people with a free click

Corporate sponsors buy over a cup of food for your clicks.                                 Nice... saving a life with clicks!
In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, rest in peace,
and his most ardent, dedicated student, MrShortcut
A lifetime of thanks to the wonderful Mr. Paul Newmanan, who went out and earned
hundreds of millions of dollars over a quarter of a century... and used it all to feed people.
Welcome to the Shortcut Zen of Mastery of Masters and Millionaires, Champions and Billionaires
all here for your life

with love from MisterShortcut

What you know is noticeably less important than what you DO with what you know.
If you wish to be important, which may only mean having others see you as being important,
or if you need to DO important things, serving more than gathering, which tends to yield better results,
you must think importantly, and act upon important subjects with repeated, focused and described actions.
What is truly most important is that, whatever time you have on earth, you need to feel comfortable with that time.
Otherwise, you, like too many of us, the overweaning majority, live a life that is not important, nor be remembered as such.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is an entire set of opportunities for you to determine what is most important to your life,
what wishes are worth turning into goals by attaching deadlines and figuring who can help, and what you need.
When you clearly know what is most important to you, the Shortcut Zen of Mastery triples in value to you.
These shortcuts, described as Shortcut Zen of Mastery PowerGems, are universal, useful everywhere.
So, when you know precisely where you are going, powerful shortcuts that work across the board,
shortcuts that work almost regardless of your situation or circumstances, help you be important.
You talk a good game, so you are asked how you used the Shortcut Zen of Mastery to do something important.
Excellence cannot happen by some stretch of coincidence or happenstance, because excellence is what you can repeat.
Enliven your internal Shortcut Zen of Mastery, apply your own perception of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery to what you deem important.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery urges you to begin by identifying, in writing, the five or ten most important things you must accomplish in this lifetime.

You may note that the Shortcut Zen of Mastery has more unique pages than you could read within the span of a single lifetime.
Each page is part of the larger chapters of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, and rendered unique by MisterShortcut, individually.

Each page contains one to twenty-one of the most powerful and decidedly useful shortcuts you have ever encountered.
Each page of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery is crafted in belief that you are now better-equipped to truly rise and shine.
Millions and millions of unique pages, rich with EyeCandy, Shapelinks, Shapetalk, and more, dedicated to YOU.

How important you are is determined far less by how important OTHERS believe you to be
than by how important you find your repeated dailiy efforts to be, of value, or of little value.
Allow no one else to tell you that you are important, or that you are not notably important.

What are your goals? What do you repeatedly focus on most of all?

If you believe you are not that important, and if the numbers above do not impress you,
the Shortcut Zen of Mastery recommends spending a bit of time deep inside yourself.
Identify what motivates you more than anything else, what is most important to you.
THAT is a powerful way of making yourself more important to those around you.

At the end of the day, the Shortcut Zen of Mastery posits that importance is self-contained.
Making yourself important to yourself and your goals outweighs any other kind of import.

TotalWinning.com - If you are going to make an effort, strive for total winning, or not at all.

121393.com - One of many Shortcut Zen of Mastery Fibonacci websites, promoting and promulgatin universal prosperity

196418.com - Another Shortcut Zen of Mastery Fibonacci websites, encourating universal prosperity with Fibonacci


Important Shortcuts Shapetalk - Shortcut Zen of Mastery

Important shortcuts, for all that you dream,
the Shortcut Zen of Mastery might make it all seem,
as if dreams come true with the simple use of shortcuts now,
while the Shortcut Zen of Mastery promises that it is precisely how,
dreams of masters and millionaires, like those of champions and billionaires,
inspired, respired unto truth's sweet beam, of sunlight and the universe as it deems.

So, who is fit and mighty, meriting these master secrets,
combatting all the hurtful results of disaster's poor prefects?
Who dares to wear the mantle of super-achiever, proving it daily?
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery dares to think that it will prove to be you.
If you think you arrived on this page by some freak accident, think again.

Billions and billions of unique pages, including millions via the Shortcut Zen of Mastery,
and yet, of all those billions, here you are, for a reason obviously attended by the Universe.

Use whatever word you want, the intent is to remind you that there is always at least one witness.
What you do today tells us so much more about you than what your mouth is capable of expressing well.

What you do speaks so loudly we can hardly hear a word you say
Why are "important people" considered to be important? Are they reeeeeally so important?
Truth is, the world goes on with and without them, undermining their claims to importance.
What's more important, to you, or so the Shortcut Zen of Mastery suggests it should now be,
is how you use tools you already know how to use, not as you have been, but in better ways.
Sure, it is important to one avenue to success for you to use those tools more often every day.
t is not the only important way, and, for those of you who are lazier, not so summarily important.

That's because the most important shortcut is simply one percent. Doing anything one percent better each time.

Nothing you have ever learned, nothing you have ever instinctively known, nothing at all comes close to this shortcut.

In all fairness, the Shortcut Zen of Mastery posits that this may be the most important shortcut you ever engage intentionally.
Every one hundred rounds, you have improved by more than one hundred percent. Dare to dream of the fruits of such intentions.

You cannot be on this page by accident, the Shortcut Zen of Mastery is not predicated upon accidents, rather, intentions.
Action upon intentions is magical enough, even if it does not prove to be close to your firm apprehension of just yet.
Imitating what works is most important. Intentionally repeating action by imitating those repeatedly doing it best.
Of course you can get one percent better every time you undertake a task!! Aptitude is superceded by attitude here.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery avers that it this is one of those few arenas in life where our attitudes supercede aptitude.
When you intentionally lock your mind into the focus of improving by one percent THIS TIME, your brain hugely cooperates.

When you intentionally focus your mind on some form of improvement, with each repetition,
you immediately and then repeatedly unlock several of your most hidden intellectual skills.
Considering the countless people who have lived this Shortcut Zen of Mastery PowerGem, a master secret,
what possible thought can be extended to your opinion, before YOU use the PowerGem 100x and more?
The most important thing you can do in life is whatever YOU deem to be at the acme of importance.
The most important help the Shortcut Zen of Mastery can extend is to help you to help yourself.
Take this most important thought: "Focus on one percent improvement exponentiates results."

Shapetalk from the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, engaging EyeCandy self-help.


In pursuit of YOUR excellence, YOUR development of YOUR OWN mastery, the Shortcut Zen of Mastery suggests a health tip:
Develop your perception of the Highway of All Longevity that is already alive, naturally, within you, wanting the best health.
Air, water, never-heated oil, air-dried sea salt, bulk, and bacteria. These are the prime secrets of healthy longevity.

In furtherance of your developing wealth rapidly, using the same shortcuts employed by masters and millionaires,
the Shortcut Zen of Mastery firmly advises you that universal shortcuts tend to lead each of us to total winning.

Think of how important you are!
For so many people to have invested their lives creating the lineage that would result in you,
do you need more evidence, from the Shortcut Zen of Mastery or elsewhere, to prove it?

Shape the Shortcut Zen of Mastery and Highway of All Longevity to fit you, naturally.

Important shortcuts, that's what may be required, because using important shortcuts yields what is desired.
Every facet of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery is a plane of understanding followed by actions repeated, refined.
If you consider your own life to be important, at least worth the effort of operating it in a way YOU approve of,
then the importance of using what the Shortcut Zen of Mastery terms "important shortcuts" grows exponentially,
because people who are self-realizing, or self-actualizing tend to be those who make the biggest contributions.