Welcome to the largest and most empowering web site in the world, The Shortcut Zen of Mastery  with MisterShortcut  

Shortcuts have been a part of most every great REPEAT success. First we learn how, then we repeat. Look for those who do best: It's a super-shortcut

The Greatest Shortcuts of Masters and Champions with YOUR MrShortcut
What shortcuts are not of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery?

The best shortcuts to success, those used by masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, are thoroughly free to all of us, including you. Even better, The most powerful shortcuts to success are as close as you can be to enjoying no limit: they're everywhere!

We both know and can agree that we find the best shortcuts to success, such as asking more people more times each, just about everywhere and anywhere we lseek them out.. Throughout the entire spectrum of human activities, you're not going to find any exceptions, and it would certainlky be a poor comment on any of us wasting our time looking for such admittedly conceivable exceptions. Why bother? Doesn't it make more sense to stay focused on the near-perfect utility, the consistent usefulness of a group of given shortcuts?

Within the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, you use these Shortcut Zen of Mastery to speed up your better results.

Your best shortcuts, your most effective shortcuts to success are powerful gems of wisdom. That's why they are called PowerGems. They work just about one hundred percent of the time for just about one hundred percent of those humans who use them a hundred times or more.
PowerGems are shortcuts. Their eponymity requires them to be potent sources of fast results. For you and I, it simply means that they must work, and work fast. As in now and today. Shortcut means 'anything that brings you there faster than it would without it.'  With so many masters, millionaires, Achievers and Role Models out here doing it better, and faster, doesn't it make sense that they know specific words and techniques -- shortcuts -- that you either do not know or simply do not use?

This is the basis of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery

Imitate Masters And Millionaires, THEN Add Your Personal Touches

When we see people repeatedly excelling, they are the ones we need to listen to when we are determined to avoid the lengthy achievement of something by trial and error. With trial and error you get to do it 'your' way, and it will absolutely take you longer to get there. With the 'recipe' system, doing it the way someone else has done it before you leads to faster achievement of the same results. Whether or not your skills are sharp enough to measure your quantifiable results in a single day is open to argument. The laws of physics are, for the most part, just a bit smarter than you. I know enough about you to state with confidence that you very rarely, if ever, are heard to say the words, "You're much smarter than I am. May I have sixty seconds of your best & wisest advice about __?"

For whatever the worth or reason, we're quick to admit that there are people much smarter than us...
... and it never seems to be the person we're speaking to.   Is this true, or not?
Well, if you're not smart enough to use those eighteen magical words in the last paragraph, then perhaps you'll attend the immutable power of physics, power you can use in the next few minutes to fast, profitable results.

One definably excellent reality regarding PowerGems is that each and every one is universal. Whether you want to wake up to the fact that these are the only years you have for you and your kids to enjoy each other. (without the stupid, petty resentments), or double your income permanently within 100 days, or learn seven simple steps that bring keyboard mastery, or create something useful in your life that's better than your current daily quotidian grind, in nature as well as stature, powergems are universal. They provide immediate physical results for every human effort.

Every thought, every action, creates an ever-growing spiderlike silk thread, stronger and thicker with every single repetition. When one of the two human root emotions is added, the emotion of passion (desire), or fear, the strength and thickness of the cable multiplies exponentially. With every belief-filled repetition, the physical presence of that thought is enlarged within the brain, to where we can actually measure it!

Life Does In Fact Have Great Secrets, Master Secrets Of The Universe.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery proposes that we might call them MegaTruths of Life.

Megatruths.com       Megaphotons.com       TotalWinning.com

Every single thought you have of a healthier, or unhealthier you, has a direct, immediate, wide-ranging physical effect, and more. Be good enough to yourself to stop understimating the influence and power in the connection between mind and body.

Where and when the Shortcut Zen of Mastery intersects the Route of Natural Health, power is imminently available to you. This is yet another reason to suspend the formation of opinions until you at least somewhat successfully process new information. Learn more, find a dozen or more sources of effective information, and your nascent plan for success grows another layer. Success, including YOUR success, is not going to happen by accident. The more shortcuts you use, and the more judiciously you use your best shortcuts, (and the more often you harnass the great shortcuts to your benefit), the more you will agree that superlative success cannot happen by accident.

Now that scientists routinely map the physical places where adjectives are formed, versus nouns and adverbs, and so forth, we can numerically record the physical effect of each thought.

Let's move to a tough word with a fairly simple basis: kinesiology.
(it means "The study of the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of body movement, especially in humans.").
Kinesiology, Kinesthetics, and the Route of Natural Health :

The science of kinesthetic motion is likely to give you pause for thought, with no small impression, either, at how powerfully your body is affected by positive and negative statements. Hold your arm straight out to the side, either left or right. Have someone push down on your arm while you're resisting, as you say, out loud for the fourth or fifth time, "I am a winner."

Now, shake your arm to relax it, put it back up, and say five times, "I am a loser." On the fourth or fifth repetition of those words, the other person is to push down on your arm. Watch what happens.

You will see an immediate physical effect. When Olympic champions push their bodies past the point of what seems human, always doing it one more time, that act alone, doing it one more time, engages several laws of physics, which means you get a result similar or identical to what you intended.

You get to control the majority of outcomes by controlling the majority of input.

THAT IS Olympian effort, which produces Olympic results.

When you allow for the inconsistencies of kinesiology, or muscle-testing, we turn to QRA.
QRA is Quantum Reflex Analysis, a simple ONE-SECOND test certain to astonish you.
When you refer to shortcuts in health, good luck finding a better shortcut than QRA.
It is a simple matter for you to test the energy levels of any mammalian glands and organs, automobiles, real estate and buildings, and more.
The accuracy of the test is indisputable, particularly when you see its unuiquity.
You see, the one-second energy test can by done by you and an associate.
It takes most people under 30 seconds to learn how to do the energy test.
If you can hold your thumb and finger tightly while someone gently pries,
whatever you are pinching in the other hand contains strong energy.
Anything that makes your fingers too weak for you to hold tightly?
Well, if it makes you weak just having it near you, well, uh oh.
Aside from inventing tools that reverse electrical pollution,
MisterShortcut built thousands of sites to help YOU.
The more you know, the wiser your decisions may be.
The more you learn, the more you are likely to earn.
The more you earn via Shortcut Zen of Mastery,
the more likely you may be to help the helpless.
That's why there is a Shortcut Zen of Mastery,
to help more people choose, and find good ways to,
serve the most helpless who exist wherever greed exists.
If greed must be a factor in life, let shortcuts help you out.
Allow the shortcuts of masters and millionaires to empower.
Like a hammer on the shelf, quality is not of primary interest,
only in whether it sits on the shelf looking cool, or gets used.
The more you use your best tools, the better YOU tend to be.
Thus, the pathway of using big shortcuts can be your best way.

Just keep learning, friend, learn more of YOUR greatest shortcuts.

Best of the best, promoting humanity's greatest shortcuts

To anyone taking the Shortcut Zen of Mastery as a vehicle for accelerated success using shortcuts, this is a powerful, and prime foundation of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery

We can remind ourselves forcefully and repeatedly that it is not their bodies that enable them to go that extra one more time anywhere near as much as it is their thought.

Every human being has the choice and command of the moment when the words, "I can't" come out of the mouth. It is not men and women with stronger bodies who take gold at the Olympics, and you'd have to be silly to think so. Proof of this is found in the many, many stronger, faster people who never get into the Olympics simply due to insufficient effort to get into the Olympics. Proof is found in gold medals won by people smaller, taller, lighter, heavier, stronger, not as strong. Again and again the attrbutes most often attributed by the champions themselves are the two attributes you can, should, and certainly need to make use of in THIS 24-hour period...
....when you're that determined to get results
within that same twenty-four hour period of YOUR life.

  • Seeing the goal with sight, sound, colors, smells, touch, and feeling.
  • Doing it one more time.

Shortcut Zen of Mastery And Your Superlative Powers - SuperPowers

Until you develop or otherwise discover superpowers, which means demonstrated, repeat use of your most superlative personal powers, please do not pretend to have a licit opinion about such superpowers. The Shortcut Zen of Mastery empowers all who embrace the Shortcut Zen of Mastery within themselves.

The men and women who win gold have the same superpower that you have. Not a power of the body, no, no, the power of the mind, the choice to say, "Yes, I can," and "Yes I am." The same tool you have, the same choice you have, the same brain to process the choice. They simply use it more than you do. That you do indeed possess the ability to kick some serious ass is inarguable; you've already proven it more times than we can count. What annoys me so much is that, for all your innate and developed intelligence, you use these brilliant resources mostly for tiny things and emergencies.

Tell the truth. It's just you and I here. No one's around. The fact is, you perform like a star for tiny things, and for emergencies. Let's talk about the emergencies first.

Think of a time that you had an expected or even an unexpected deadline, and I mean serious deadline, whether it was a critical report for school, rent or insurance money, or tickets that you absolutely had to get your hands on…you had yourself a deadline with not the foggiest idea of how you were going to make it happen.

Now we both know that, when the deadline was critical enough, as in risk of losing a girlfriend or getting evicted or scoring those tickets you just HAVE to have, you find a way to get it done, don't you? Please don't argue here, I'm not in the mood because I've caught you and busted you red-handed in the act of excellence, and you want to say, "Yeah, the money came through," or some such response. No. no! The money didn't 'come through:' You made it happen! You got off your duff and got busy.

Oh, how you were wracking your brains. I know. I was there watching, and chuckling as you flashed pictures through your head of Mom or Dad, maybe Grandma or your best friend; or hocking this, begging that, selling this or overtime that… you made it your business to check every corner of your mind, commanding that special memory and analysis area of your brain thinking of possibilities and probabilities, calculating their likelihoods, and then going for it. Again and again you strove until you met the deadline in the nick of time.

Surely you do not honestly think it was a 'coincidence'that you met the deadline just in the nick of time? Please. There is no such thing as an accident. Since sustaining, surviving, and to a great degree overcoming the challenges of being a passenger in a van that was struck at 'considerably in excess of 100 MPH' according to the NY State Police report, I've been exposed to even more intensive proof that there is no such thing as an accident. If you're unable to grasp just why there is no such thing as an accident in life, please do not waste precious brain and life time considering this point, this shortcut, directly. there is no need to: Now that you've planted it, it'll spring at some point after you nourish the thought. For now, just be open-minded enough to operate on the premise today that there's no such thing as an accident:     : every cause has an effect, and vice-versa.

The vital reason you met your deadline was NOT "Grandma gave me the money." Neither was it "My boss loaned it to me." Even if the money did indeed come from, for example, Grandma or your boss or brother-in-law, they didn't read your mind, did they? No; you asked them for the money. In fact, some of them you asked more than once, remember?

Just like 99% of all the things you receive in your life… oops, did that sound like ninety-nine percent? Please, forgive the understatement, and permit an immediate correction: As it is with most of what you receive from one single moment after you're born, right up to your last conscious thought, it is directly or indirectly because you asked for it.

Rather than fighting the laws of the universe, the proven master secrets of the universe that drive all of the masters and millionaires and champions, literally millions of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires who are using shortcuts such as recognizing that, as you ask, so shall you obtain.

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is not an opinion machine. The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is a condensation, an imitation of, the observed, repeated steps that they take more often. Do not even think of going further until the proverbial light bulb goes on for this. All wisdom is multi-layered. Never in your life should expect to encounter wisdom that does not have a second, third, even fourth and fifth meaning for you. Recognizing this gives you additional use of tools already at your disposal, getting more from less effort, less use of resources.

You don't have to like it should you not want to; you are required to accept it when you wish to tap into its indisputable power. It is an immutable law of physics; of life itself.

In fact Isaac Newton himself referred to it as his Third Law of Physics, which states that every action in this universe brings an equal and opposite reaction.

Shortcut Zen of Mastery Opinions - How Many Are Invalid Opinions?

Every human being has literally thousands of inva lid opinions; invalid because those opinions are based exclusively on other people's input, rather than our own personal experience. the intelligent person learns to separate their experientially-based opinions, which tend to be valid, from those based strictly on what your mother/father/teacher/sister told you to believe.

You are invited to test your intelligence by seeing if you've got sufficient brainpower to set aside a few thousand of your absurdly inaccurate, and therefore invalid opinions and just focus on this one thought: every action in this universe brings an equal and opposite reaction. If you understand it, and have no problem believing it is correct and unchanging, then what could possibly, even conceivably, cause you to think that this does not apply to your thoughts, and the physical response they are guaranteed to produce every single time? Are you stupid, or are you smart? Please don't tell us if you're smart or stupid, we'll both know in the next few minutes, and the next few hours, based exclusively on your understanding of one single, powerful, never-changing fact of life: every action in this universe brings an equals and opposite reaction.

Every time you have had an urgent desire or need, you worked your brain far harder, (and usually far more efficiently), than you generally do for the average, quotidian needs of life. True, or not? As asserted so clearly throughout the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, "petty moments and crises."

You wanted that something, in point of fact you needed to meet that deadline, so very much, that failure simply wasn't an option; remember? It's as if I was there: I watched you personally placing it in the category of "CRITICAL NEED." An even simpler proof for you, striking right at your own blood-filled kidneys. If a casual friend of yours asked you to drive him 25 miles to work every day in return for gas money, and it was in the opposite direction of where you work, you might have a hard time fitting it into your schedule, yes?

Now, God forbid you were told today that you need a new kidney within the next thirty to sixty days AND you have to drive 75 miles every day to get kidney treatments, do you think you might just work three or four hours per day at getting treatment, or finding a new kidney? You wouldn't consider it quite as insurmountable, would you? If you're worth the effort that went into creating you, you'd get very busy, wouldn't you? Contacting organizations and hospitals, trying to raise money, appealing to tv and radio stations for mercy broadcasting, and so on. You'd do what you have to do.

The most vital point that the Shortcut Zen of Mastery invites you to grasp, here and now -- openly and open-mindedly -- is that it pays no homage to our probabilities of long-term success to think or in any way believe that a sweet dream is stuck in "I-don't-know-how" land. The question of HOW to do something, or get your hands on something, from a pile of money or a handful of orgasms to a happier environment at home, work, or school, is a far-flung second in priority to WHY. Although it takes a bit of effort to admit that the "how" is already inside of us, the "WHY" is always and without exception first and foremost in every human action from birth to death. When we have a strong enough "why", we AAAAaaalllllways find the "how," don't we?

From surviving supposedly terminal diseases to working out directions to a vital appointment with time running low, we almost always figure out how to do whatever is of greatest import to us. That's why we find a measurable, accelerating shortcut in putting aside the "how" for long enough to figure out the "why;" why exactly we want it, and what we'll get when we fail or succeed to achieve the goal. The "why" gives birth to the "how." Use it now, and see how this method accelerates YOUR results.

Since I'm not there to participate, any argument you might tender would be a bit one-sided, wouldn't you agree? As it is with every great thought in life, neither you, nor I, nor any of us have any licit claim to a valid opinion until such time as we have personal experience in the matter, true or not?

There are so many shortcuts available for your immediate use. The best piece of news is that you will find just about as many shortcuts... ... as you wish to find... as you believe you will find. That's a shortcut unto itself.

Recognize and turn to your advantage the axioms of life: The masters of the area in which you need or desire most to excel, repeat the same shortcuts!

Even just watching true masters engaged in the science and sciences of their craft, teach yourself to recognize their shortcuts.

© MrShortcut.     Just imagine if you will: more than several hundred thousand unique web pages   --   all by MrShortcut.us Crafted deliberately with original AND|or edited scripts   - -     colors, interactivity, wisdom of masters and millionaires   - -
... and so much more...     all     for     you.
Learn more at MrShortcut.us
All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit.

Shortcut Zen of Mastery Begging For Food         Cure hunger with the Shortcut Zen of Mastery

In Memory of the electrifying Monsignor Bernie Kellogg,
and a dedicated student, known to the world as MisterShortcut, Godfather of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery


Each of millions of different pages brough to you by MisterShortcut

HealthIndex       Healing Naturally.net

MisterShortcut is pleased to present you with universal shortcuts for total winning.
When we imitate actions and attitudes of those repeatedly doing best, we tend to imitate their results.
Shapetalk and Shapetalking to Shapetalks and Shapelinks.com, all to help you reach YOUR ultimate score.

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Get better results with the Shortcut Zen of Mastery of masters and champions - role models,
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For more Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts, use these links to
the largest website ever created by a human being.
www.Mister-Shortcut.com       OneShortcut.com
        beam.to/shortcuts    Shortcuts and Billionaires

Remember 911day forever.     Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!   
  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!    Remember 911day.  

Jump right into the Shortcut Zen of Mastery,
the fastest, most effective shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires, Leaders and Achievers

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery of Masters and Millionaires is, easily, the biggest self-empowerment website ever created....
so use it just as if it is created for you... ...because it is

The best of your shortcuts have hardly been used.
Use of your shortcuts creates even more great shortcuts.
Waste fewer minutes engaged in petty, unprofitable chatter.
Those same minutes, invested into you, are many thousands per year.
The totals over time will delight you because your better results will delight you.
You have many shortcuts in your toolchest, many more shortcuts in the here and now,
and you have hundreds of thousands if not millions of other resources rich with great shortcuts.
Less talking and more doing, until you begin asking more people more times each, your greatest shortcut.

When you choose to embrace the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, you will find the Shortcut Zen of Mastery reciprocating.

If excellence cannot be repeated accidentally,
can anyone's personal excellence first happen by accident?

We can do things approximately the same as we did yesterday,
which assures us of obtaining identical or similar results, true?

Repetitive use of your favorite shortcuts, those YOU deem best,
persistently tends to encourage production of ever-improving results.

There are shortcuts, and then there are SHORTCUTS, the kind that work most every time.
Yes, there are boring shortcuts, no shortage of silly or ineffective or too-expensive shortcuts.

That's why the Shortcut Zen of Mastery looks to masters and millionaires, champions, billionaires.

The people who outperform most or all of the remainder of the human race are best-equipped to teach.

Everyone else can proffer little more than uninformed opinions that produce little or no profit to much of anyone.
By repeating today what you did yesterday, in the same way, you are clinically insane to expect a different result.
Improving your performance by even ONE PERCENT each time, each day, each session you are doing something,
you get to double your results, wait, wait, AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, as good as or better than MisterShortcut.
The excellence in you is the same potential excellence extant in pretty much all of the human race, so pay heed:
Shortcuts are one of the many fruits resulting from getting at least one percent better each time you do it again.
Shortcuts save you money, shortcuts save you effort, and, most of all, shortcuts preserve your prime asset.
You will surely agree, at least upon appropriate reflection, that there is no resource more valuable to you,
no possession you can ever multiply into personal fulfilment, deep-seated satisfaction, than your time.
Nothing comes close. Your minutes and your seconds are the most irreplaceable of all you possess.
Can we agree on this much? If you are the proverbial same page as the Shortcut Zen of Mastery,
then you can, from this moment, begin regaining thousands of precious seconds you waste.

Not annually, not monthly, it is in this very week that you will find thousands of seconds you have tossed away.
By majoring in minors, most of all the countless petty conversations we engage in, we lose, over and over again.

Shortcuts: When you are waiting in line at the grocery store or traffic light, make better use of that time.
Shortcuts: When you are brushing your hair, use two brushes, so that both sides of your body get excercise.

Shortcuts: When you are asking someone for something, stop asking yes or no questions, offer choices!

Shortcut for winning most of your arguments:
STOP ARGUING, partly because an argument is invariably, or nearly so, the fault of the more intelligent person in the fight.
The primary reason for you to stop arguing is that the Shortcut Zen of Mastery cites not one example of yelling actually working.

You can shut people up by yelling, and still, can you think of one time that yelling effectively convinced someone to change their mind?

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery welcomes you to the greatest user of shortcuts in the world: YOU.
"YOU," with respect to and regard for the super-performer inside of you that the world still waits to see.
Awaken the Shortcut Zen of Mastery within you. Imitating the people you most admire is today's shortcut.

By sincerely embracing the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, you will find yourself discovering and creating new shortcuts.

Let your internal perception of your own Shortcut Zen of Mastery empower YOUR best shortcuts today.

Who is using shortcuts to glean success?
Masters and millionaires use shortcuts daily.
Shortcuts and yet more shortcuts, with reason.
You've reached what is stated to be the "Shortcuts Capital of the World."
This portends a responsibility to provide shortcuts, then more shortcuts, and even more shortcuts.
With shortcuts for longevity and shortcuts for dating, shortcuts for wealth and riches,
shortcuts for sales closing and shortcuts for piano playing,
the fact is, there are shortcuts for everything.
Shortuts for succeeding faster,
from our great pioneers,
those who led the way
first among us all.


Who and what you are now is the sum total of all your yesterdays... PLUS WHAT YOU DO TODAY!!
Please, stop wallowing in mediocrity, doing things identically as you did them yesterday.
TODAY can be the single greatest day of your life to begin thinking and doing more.
Start with the tasks you repeat most often: Improve by just one percent or more.
Every hundred days or so, you will recognize more and more of your mastery,
the mastery that is already residing within you, awaing your training.
Less talking, and more doing, hm?

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You can always touch your F5 button to refresh a page, or use your menu at the top of the screen

Sheer Number of Shortcuts Informs The Shortcut Zen of Mastery

Since the number of great shortcuts available to us all is rather unlimited, so, too, should the Shortcut Zen of Mastery be.
There are now thousands of Shortcut Zen of Mastery and Route of Natural Health websites for you to help yourself with.
Every page of every website, with millions of uniquifying factors, can help you to help yourself... then others.
The more we share, the more we care, the more profits redound and rebound to the practitioner. Such is life.

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery was born of loving to give free information, not earn money.
The entire set of websites, highly-ranked for many, many sets of keyphrases is for sale.
All this can be yours for just $21,000,000, or the offer we like most among all offers.

Otherwise, you are welcome to avail yourself of the greatest shortcuts in YOUR world,
the routine shortcuts of masters and millionaires, of champions and billionaires.

Let's go for the best in YOU, starting today, reaching one percent more of you.
One-Shortcut.com -   One-Shortcut To Boost Almost Everything You Do
OneShortcut.com -   OneShortcut Is A Shortcut Zen of Mastery Keyword
DoctorShortcut.com - DoctorShortcut Prescription Of Masters & Champions
Mister-Shortcut.com -   Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts is Mister-Shortcut
  Your Shortcut Zen of Mastery Translates To More Shortcuts
 The Shortcut Zen of Mastery Inveigles Your Mastery
MrShortcut.info -   Godfather of Shortcuts Proves How Important You Are
  MisterShortcuts Advises More Shortcut Zen of Mastery
MrShortcut.net -   MrShortcut - Another Delicious MrShortcut Self-Empowerment Site
Shortcut.ws -   Deliciously sweet domain to bring you your own Shortcut Zen of Mastery version
Shortcuts.Me -   Let's face it: For all winners, shortcuts are you, and shortcuts are me, every day
Dr-Shortcut.com -  Fill up your own self-prescription with Route of Natural Health HealthGems
Dr-Shortcut.info -   Every World-Class Master, Every Last Champion Has A Favorite Shortcut
Mr-Shortcut.com -   Mr-Shortcut - Shortcut Zen of Mastery Self-Empowerment Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.net -   EyeCandy And PowerGems Wisdom of Masters - From Mr-Shortcut
MrShortcut.US -  "Self-Empowerment Is Defined And Measured By Your Hunger"
Shortcut.name -  Since Shortcut Equals Shortcut Zen of Mastery PowerGems
Shortcuts.ws -   For Delicious One Word Domains, Shortcut Does The Trick
GreatShortcuts.com -  Champions and Billionaires Use GreatShortcuts
Great-Shortcuts.com -   Great-Shortcuts Of Masters And Millionares
Mister-Shortcut.US -   Succeed Faster With Mister-Shortcut PowerGems
BestShortcuts.com -  - Shortcut Zen of Mastery Shares The Best Shortcuts
Best-Shortcuts.com -   Best-Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires And Winners
MisterShortcut.Me -   - Click Into The Shortcut Zen of Mastery with MisterShortcut
MisterShortcut.info -  The Most Powerful Info Of Your Life - The Best Shortcuts
MisterShortcut.org -   MisterShortcut Rich EyeCandy BrainCandy Invitations
MisterShortcut.net -   Since we each deserve a champion, a coach, a cheerleader
Mister-Shortcut.org - Shortcut Zen of Mastery PowerGems Are Here For Your Life
Mister-Shortcut.net  - A Huge Self-Empowerment Resource For Better Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.info -  Info On Success Secrets and Self-Empowerment Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.org - More Shortcut Zen of Mastery, rearranged by Mr-Shortcut
Mr-Shortcut.biz - because Mr-Shortcut is in your biz to share free shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.US - Gorgeous Shortcut Zen of Mastery Entry to Mr-Shortcut
Shorcuts.US - Misspelled domain AND Shorcuts Are Shorter Shortcuts

rtcuts.com     - After all, rtcuts.com is a pathway to sho-rtcuts

Sho.rtcuts.com -   Shortcuts From rtcuts.com, right?

Both of these Shortcut Zen of Mastery domains are websites!
hortcuts.com     - -     hortcuts.net

S.hortcuts.net -   Promoting the cause of shortcuts

MisterShortcut.com - The first MisterShortcut EyeCandy domain - (EyeCandy Needs IE, or compatible) 
Shortcuts.name -   Shortcuts ARE My Name Thanks To The Shortcut Zen of Mastery
Success-Shortcuts.net -   Success Shortcuts Of Masters And Millionaires
Success-Shortcuts.US -   Success-Shortcuts Of Champions and Billionaires
1xx0.com -   What can you say about 1xx0? Sweet little domain
Regulata.com -  Regulata Is The Rule With Anyone's Shortcut Zen of Mastery
Shapetalk.com - - The Shortcut Zen of Mastery Shapetalk Capital For Your PowerGems 
Shapetalker.com - Because the Shapetalker Proffers The Shortcut Zen of Mastery In Shapetalk

Wealth-Fact.com - Wealth-Fact  
Wealthfact.com -   Wealthfact

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Shortcut Zen of Mastery is free for your life

Lee Iaccoca taught that the ultimate salesman/woman is not the guy or gal that makes the sale, for everyone can make a sale.
The ultimate salesman or saleswoman is the man or woman who gets repeat business...     ... delivering more than promised.

Shortcuts.me       Shapetalker.com       Tecchies.info         121393.com
Every domain or website across the Shortcut Zen of Mastery - Route of Natural Health includes the greatest shortcuts.
What you repeatedly do, day in and day out, week in and week out, is what determines your ultimate altitude in life.
Thus are you urged and beseeched to make the most of YOUR Shortcut Zen of Mastery and Route of Natural Health, now.

Shortcut Zen of Mastery and Highway of All Longevity SweetDomains
Portfolio 1 of Sweeter Domains For Sale     - Buy These Sweeter Domains

Sweeter Domains are why we here, SweeterDomains means quite the same.
SweeterDomains is our new keyword... because Sweeter Domains is just another sweet game.
Call 1-888-600-4888 to buy any of these sweeter domains.
We are accepting bids until July 2nd, 2009. Winners will be notified on the 4th of July.

Erotically.ME - Well, few words needed, so let's get www.Erotically.me
out of here, along with www.SexPounder.com - not quite odious, just not so comfortable in these refined surroundings

Exquisitely.ME - Oh! Oh! How exquisitely a sweeter domain can touch us. Buy www.exquisitely.me

Plus, we note that Exquisitely.com was recently offered at $28,000 - We're confident that we can do much better than that if you wish to purchase www.Exquisitely.me as YOUR SweeterDomain

Exquisition.com - www.Exquistion.com is a sweeter domain because it is anything you order it to be

Frissing.com - Are we frissing, or what? - A sweeter domain to be included in many sweeterdomain collections,

Gliteratti.com - Well, technically, it is one word, and a gliteratti word at that, thus, www.Gliteratti.com is included in the Shortcut Zen of Mastery SweeterDomain offering.

You KNEW the Shortcut Zen of Mastery as a child, and then became SO socially aware of yourself at puberty,
so psycho-socio-sexually aware of yourself that you began to care more about the opinions of other people...
MORE than you care about your immediate circle of influence, including the face in your nearest mirror.
You can work to get faster at something... or better at it. Getting faster does not mean better, true?

It's quite the opposite with getting BETTER at it, because getting faster is a fringe benefit of effort.
Awaken and engage your own internal sense of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, on a daily basis.
Make a habit of reaching for the tiniest bit more within yourself, with ALL that you repeat.
Whatever you repeat most of all, this is a core point of focus for you to earn mastery.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is about the mastery already waiting inside of you.
Bring it out, one shortcut at a time. Learn the reciprocity of great shortcuts.

Glittery.US - although a dot-US, www.glittery.us is a fine candidate for SweeterDomain

GrandRabbi.com - Well, if you perceive or believe that you or your rabbi is the Grand Rabbi, then perhaps www.GrandRabbi.com is for you

A nice gift for a sweetheart for the seriously romantic

Again, just two words, no dash, a good keyword, and GREAT name. A Keeper (or seller, if you wish)... either way, a SweetDomain that can empower YOUR Shortcut Zen of Mastery domaineering

SuperiorDoctor.com - No explanation required for www.SuperiorDoctor.com - a great domain to bid on

The ultimate efforts are how we find the ultimate YOU.

Aturally.comAkin to the concept referred to in re: ultism.com and cultism.com, creating subdomain N at aturally.com and you have N.aturally.com - How's THAT for cool?

SweeterDomains.com - Bid had better be good for anyone wanting to buy www.SweeterDomains.com

Yep. The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is for you,
and for the right price.

SweetDomain.info - Yes, we can make a package deal of sweeter domains with an inclusion of www.SweetDomain.info - bid away

SweetDomains.info - Even www.SweetDomains.info can be had, for a good bid.
Make it a package bid and deal, these tend to be sweeter in the pursuit of collecting sweeter domains.

Which of these delicious SweeterDomains are sweeter domains for YOU?

How much sweeter can a domain name be?   Well, that's for you to decide, right?

Copy this to place on your site.   Let's build a better world, one page, one click at a time.

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery On YOUR Wisdom

All wisdom contains multiple levels, multiplex layers of usefulness.
If you know how to listen, here is very powerful information, new to you.
These next few minutes of your life are likely to change you forever. Focus.
When you obtain benefit from new facts, you get to your first level of wisdom.
With so much of you invested in getting to the first level, it is silly to limit yourself.
You have invested eighty percent of what is needed to get to so many more profits.
Do not limit yourself to one meaning. With less time and effort, each layer gets better.
This is a major and master secret of the universe, used by all of the masters around you.
Seek and find your second level of utility, and then your third and even fourth and fifth uses.
Your learning curve goes up in but mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you've ever met who has merited your respect employs this big PowerGem.

A PowerGem is a deliciously universal secret of your own Shortcut Zen of Mastery.

PowerGems are hidden in plain sight throughout millions of MisterShortcut pages.

A closing thought about a matter of real import to the Shortcut Zen of Mastery:
You already know that what goes around comes around, ala "What goes up..."

Click through at thehungersite, one time every day that you live and breathe.

When you save dozens, then hundreds of lives, luck tends to transmogrify.
Watch how quickly a real variety of facets of your life begin improving.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE the Shortcut Zen of Mastery.

Click through to TheHungerSite and related HELPING websites.

AnimalRescue, RainForest, ChildHealth, and LiteracySite.

As with every act of anonymous kindness you commit, YOU win.
You will, as we all do, experience many of your life's greatest feelings.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.

Join the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, solving problems,
one at a time, with the best and greatest shortcuts,
universal shortcuts sweetly called "PowerGems."

SweeterDomains often lead to Shapetalk.
You're looking for an explanation of ShapeTalk, mayhaps?
MisterShortcut invites YOU
to feed someone hungrier,
t o d a y.

Continue seeking.

At SweeterDomains, ShapeTalk Is Also Multiplex!

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery LIVES The Principles Of The Shortcut Zen of Mastery

ShapeTalk. You may think that ShapeTalk is merely an expression of art, or distraction.
We each quickly benefit by learning to see ShapeTalk for what is actually is, hm?
You see, we have become sound-byte people, we like to get it short and sweet.
ShapeTalk is a way of expressing many separate pieces of wisdom in short.
There are over a thousand ShapeTalk pieces in thousands of versions,
spread all thoughout the Shortcut Zen of Mastery for you to find.
ShapeTalk also, critically, separates thoughts line by line.
Have you noticed that? One line, one thought, mostly.
This way we can look at ShapeTalk and count!
Count the pieces of wisdom you take away.

Look in the ShapeTalk for PowerGems.

As sweet as sweeter domains are,
PowerGems will bowl you over.

SweeterDomains.com wants YOU to learn more so you can live more.
That's because the more we learn, the better our decisions tend to be.