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Welcome to The Shortcut Zen of Mastery,

borne of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery.
with over one million unique web pages on 988 websites, this is
The Largest Self-Empowerment Website Online
... all for your success        and all by MrShortcut,
in hope that you personally will save a starving human life with just two free clicks and one possibly annoying popup.
That IS a fair trade,   . . .yes?

Save a life by clicking FREE
© MrShortcut and EasyStreetUSA   All rights reserved for those who feed who cannot feed themselves

This is the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, Champions and Billionaires

Welcome to the healthiest website in the world, with Mister-Shortcutdesigned to empower people to empower themselves
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery is so vast that each keyboard button will bring you to another Mr-Shortcut website
EVERY LETTER OR NUMBER OR CHARACTER takes you to a different Mr-Shortcut website!
THAT'S how important your success is, from the Highway of All Longevity to the Shortcut Zen of Mastery and all sites in between

Stop allowing other people to determine your course in life.   It's nothing less than obscene.

You only get one go-round on the merry-go-round we refer to as life.
It is critical that you live this life on the terms you accept.

No one but you gets to decide your ultimate morals.
If you've had a lousy work ethic up until today, fine.
Today, you have 1,440 minutes to prove yourself.
Not to the world; only to the nearest mirror.
Please, speak less and do more.   Today.

This is the Shortcut Zen of Mastery. Each of these millions of pages contains shortcuts!

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery includes great shortcuts that are greater shortcuts,
adding up to what amounts to the largest collection of the greatest shortcuts ever compiled.
Best shortcuts? You bet - plenty of the best shortcuts to success we are likely to soon find,
conglomerated and decocted as it is from all of the best shortcuts that our best role models use,
the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, the best shortcuts of all time.

Here's a great example and superlative shortcut: NEVER ASK IF, ASK WHICH.

Do not ask someone if they would like to go out with you. That provides a fifty percent chance of an answer you don't want to hear. You instantly and mathematically multiply your power over other people when you offer them choices and then ask which one they prefer. This improves your "closing rate" approximately one hundred percent of the time for approximately one hundred percent of the people who use this fantastically wonderful PowerGem one hundred or more times each. That's how useful and instant each PowerGem proves to be. These are the ultimate shortcuts. The catch is, of course, that you must USE these shortcuts over and over again. Each one hundred repetitions increases your efficiency so dramatically that you quickly have the choice of getting the same results in a fraction of the time or in obtaining far greater results in the same time you're now using. Like gasoline in a car, roughly eighty percent of all your motions are distinctly, definably, and fixably wasted. Thank goodness for PowerGems, the shortcuts that work for everyone except those who insist they won't.

Laugh your way through the Shortcut Zen of Mastery.
  Enjoy your journey; it's the only one you get.  
That's why so many variations of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery were created:
to make each and every page unique, as unique as you are.
Your life is unique. So, too, should be your road map.
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery, my gift to you.
Use more of your great shortcuts today.