Welcome to the world's first trillion-dollar website, with YOUR MrShortcut  
Turning Failures Into Success - - Shortcuts with MisterMister-Shortcut.com

After many, MANY hundreds of tries, you finally succeeded; you tied your shoelaces. If you're like most people, it took you two or three years after first desiring to learn how.

If you're willing to invest two or three years, if not more, in the pursuit of learning how to tie your shoelaces, why would you treat your career or health or income or relationships any differently?

To be great at something, isn't it worth an hour or three per week or even per month stretching your own person envelope of life?

No need to quit your job tomorrow, we can all do it on a part-time basis. Need proof? From 1990 to 1999, a whopping average of six hundred thousand Americans became millionaires, are you ready for this… every single year!! That's more than 1100 new millionaires every day for 3,650 straight days. Of these six million new millionaires created in the last decade of the twentieth century, a distinct majority, more than sixty percent, in fact, became millionaires through a home-based effort of four or more hours per week. That tells us that every American has that same opportunity, more so when you realize how few of our millionaires have much formal education in the areas that have brought them millions.

It's been written that a carpenter who says he has twenty years' experience, more often than not really has just five years experience… four times over. For every 100 people who set to a task, only seven out of that hundred are still trying to get better after their fourth or fifth year at any given task. If you can understand this simple set of thoughts, then you have a tool in your hand to help you produce better, and more results in your life, than you have in all of the years of your life all added up together.

You may have heard the old saw about a little bit of knowledge being a dangerous thing. As often as not, the danger presented is not to others, rather, to ourselves. Where do you think the phrase, "He's his own worst enemy" comes from? It comes from people falling into the dangerous trap of complacency, the trap of believing that they need no help from outside. If that's true, then you're living your dream life, right? If not, what does it cost to look at the process? Who knows, maybe you'll actually use a shortcut or two used every day by millions of masters and millionaires. If it's not broke, no need to fix it. If it's not working at peak, take a look. The clear and present danger in possessing a little bit of knowledge is that we have enough arrogance to believe that we know as much as we need to know. Whether you're a train switchman or a sales clerk at Radio Shack, a rocket scientist or a musician, librarian or librettist, either you're world-class, or you're not. the use of high-powered shortcuts can and will boost you into a higher level. these shortcuts work very quickly.

Since these are the most specific shortcuts used by and spoken of and written about by self-made billionaires and Olympic champions, For starters, if you can't say what you want in ten words or less, then you don't actually WANT it, you merely say so. As with all of us, actions speak so loudly words become superfluous.

Identify specifically what you want to be or have more of. then, admit that you're not in the top ten percent, and that the fastest way for you to get there is by quickly and precisely duplicating the steps taken by those who have already done it repeatedly.

Acknowledge that the fastest way to duplicate any recipe is to duplicate whatever was done one step prior to completion and one step prior to that step and one step prior to that, and so forth, until you get to where you are now.

The PRECISE words and steps of those who have done it repeatedly.

When I interviewed a hundred of America's top sales closers, do you think I'd be THAT much of mope that I wouldn't glean the fact that 99% of them use the same identical shortcuts? THAT fact is the true genesis of so many broken or shattered records at seven companies in a row here in the NY metro area. Reality is, I did not break records, WE broke records.

By getting almost everyone to give just a ten-percent increase in effort, we ended up with 25 and 30 percent increases in result.   So will you.     These shortcuts work approximately one hundred percent of the time, and no one has ever offered anything close to proof that they have ever been known to fail.

You're reminded that we do not quit because we failed, quite the contrary... we fail specifically because we quit. In fact, a precise definition of failure requires identifying the moment that the actual acknowledged, recorded failure takes place. That particular time and moment occur in the self-same single second that efforts ceases.

As far as how you actually get there, first go back and reaffirm what's contained in the last paragraph, The last sentence. This is by far the largest shortcut in this group, because understanding something is making it happen. It's not CLAIMING that you understand; it is DEMONSTRATING that you understand, right?     Suspend your current opinion… if your opinion was valid on this subject you'd already be in the top ten percent, wouldn't you? Getting into the top ten percent means using your two ears and your two eyes a total of four times more than your one mouth.

You're getting this information from thousands and thousands of masters and millionaires who have already achieved what you're still merely hoping for. Accepting their guidance through these crunched shortcuts will bring you fast, measurable results.

Now that you are determined to get into the top ten percent, you should be happily laughing within days or weeks of today, because we're now going to accelerate you up there.

If you want to be in the top ten percent, first identify those who are already there. Whether it's in your company our outside of it, there are people already kicking tail in the field you'd most like to get great at, yes? Once you identify at least ten to twenty people who are in that top ten percent, write them a short letter. It should be in your own words. One of my more successful letters had only three sentences in it. I'd simply say, "Dear ___________, we both know you're one of the best in the world at what you do, and before I die I want to be like you. Would you consider being my mentor for thirty minutes? I'd be thrilled to buy you lunch or dinner."

Three sentences that got me positive responses from millionaires and billionaires, Olympic champions and so many other leaders. As a bonus, they rarely ever let me pick up the lunch or dinner tab when the invitation to break bread was accepted.

What's wrong with writing a letter to someone saying, "Hey, you're my hero, and I want to be a Winner like you. Would you grant me thirty minutes to glean your best wisdom?"

You'll surely be impressed at the number of people who respond positively. Recognition is something most of us respond to with warmth and welcome.

Spending time with your role models provides quite a few instant benefits. Rather than try to bribe you with those fringe benefits individually, I can only ask you how much you think you'd benefit by spending a half hour or so with each of ten or twenty of your own heroes and role models? there is only one way to be sure. Everything else is groundless opinion.

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Quantum Reflex Analysis - Altering Your Most Basic Perceptions

Links For Quantum Reflex Analysis - perhaps the most amazing thing you will ever learn
QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis) has proven to be correct tens of thousands of times in a row!
This test is so magnificently accurate in diagnosis and so much more that it is actually patented.
Twenty thousand M.D.'s gathered together cannot possibly tell you what one QRA practitioner does.
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The Highway of All Longevity promises you that every human who encounters Q.R.A. is utterly astounded.
No medical test is as perfect, no medical test is as accurate, no medical test is as thoroughly revealing to you.
Best of all, quantum reflex analysis is a simple one-second test that you get to use, freely, for as long as you live.

Learn more, so you can live more. Learn quickly how to use Q.R.A. to test your food, clothes, and literally everything else.
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QRA.Me       QRA.name
Quantum-Reflex-Analysis.com       QuantumReflexAnalysis.com
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Share the Shortcut Zen of Mastery With Global Generosity!

Sharing has a funny, pleasing way of returning, repeatedly

You already know that what goes up must come down, that what goes around comes around.
Today presents any number of opportunities for you, some you see, plenty that pass you by.
Today, the Shortcut Zen of Mastery solicits your interest in developing your excellence.
So, pretend that today is that day in which you earn annual money in each work-hour.
Today is your focus, not the next 100 days of repeating and improving what you do today.
You can do it for 22 days, 100 days, 1000 days or more, provided you do it, fully, in THIS today.
What you do plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, demanding you do more.
When you awaken the Shortcut Zen of Mastery within you, you are going to be positively electrified, as a habit.
When you imitate the best, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires, you tend to imitate their results.
It is your day, your turn, your Shortcut Zen of Mastery, your hunger driving the determination of how successful you will be today.

Share the Shortcut Zen of Mastery and Highway of All Longevity with YOUR world,
for the Shortcut Zen of Mastery and Highway of All Longevity can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life is sure to repay our kindness.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, humans and creatures, all within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to reverse the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.
Share the Shortcut Zen of Mastery and Highway of All Longevity today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.

Welcome to the largest network of shortcuts in the world,
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery affectionately referred to as "Naturopath Of A Generation"

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1-718-627-7272 for your Q.R.A. appointments

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© by Mr-Shortcut
All rights reserved for those who feed who cannot feed themselves.

For now, you can feed people with a free click
Corporate sponsors buy over a cup of food for your clicks.                                 Nice... saving a life with clicks!
In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, known to many as MisterShortcut
Thanks, honors, and praise to the rather holy Paul Newman, who sloooowllllly earned
hundreds of millions of dollars over a quarter of a century... and used it all to feed people.

  Remember 911day.     Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!   
  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!    Remember 911day.  

Welcome to the Shortcut Zen of Mastery, from Masters and Millionaires Secrets and Success Shortcuts.
With Millions of unique and delightfully interactive web pages spread through more than 1,000 Mister-Shortcut sites, this is
The largest network of shortcuts ever created
... all for YOUR accelerated success
That is the Shortcut Zen of Mastery of Winners and High Achievers, Role Models and Leaders

Welcome to the largest empowerment and shortcuts website in the world, with YOUR MrShortcut  

This is The Shortcut Zen of Mastery Champions and Billionaires

Hundreds and hundreds of shortcuts are right in front of your face, many of them shortcuts you have used before.
Embracing the Shortcut Zen of Mastery multiplies the probabilities of the Shortcut Zen of Mastery embracing you.