- - Each of the millions of careful selections --
-- on each of millions of pages --
-- all by one pair of hands --
- - all for you - -
- with love -

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 Copyright © Mister-Shortcut
All rights reserved for those who feed who cannot feed themselves

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MisterShortcut deeply thanks whoever created this magnificent dove. Should any of you let us know, credit, praise, and homage will DEFINITELY be made to the genius who created this dove, khapped by MisterShortcut in the name of spreading it all around the world Healing naturally with naturopathy

Built for you by Mister-Shortcut

Yes, there ARE great, wonderful noble doctors!
The Shortcut Zen of Mastery realizes that, with social pressures mounting,
more and more doctors are concerned with their toys and luxury homes,
stock portfolios and vacations, et alia, ad nauseum ad infinitum, frankly,
which RAISES the value of those doctors who are not meretricious.
Only one in twenty doctors are proving to be true servants,
those who are truly devoted to the healing arts of life.
When you do find one of those FIVE-PERCENTERS,
that's right, they now number about one in twenty,
it is useful to your health and the health of those you love,
to embrace such angels of mercy closely to your family with celerity.
Please. DO NOT BE FOOLED by kindly and politic bedside manners.
That is not how you determine who a good doctor is, not anymore, at any rate.
Too many Americans are so profoundly stupid: they mistake good manners for quality.
If your doctor is driving a luxury car or lives in a rich neighborhood, the fact is clearly displayed:
YOUR doctor cares more for money and luxury than for service and nobility of lifestyle and intent.
If you think that wealth is an indicator of someone being a "good doctor," there is no hope,
not for you, at any rate, because wealth is an indicator that they are great salespeople.
Please don't fall for such salesmen; they belong in the merchant class, not the medical one.
Along with looking at your doctor's lifestyle, look at your doctor's approach... and results.
Does your doctor first prescribe pharmaceuticals... or simpler, healthier remedies?
Those doctors who reach too quickly for prescription drugs should be avoided,
because four thousand people PER WEEK die in the U.S.A. alone from drugs,
NOT from the sickness that brought them to the doctor.
Read from Lancet, NEJM, reports from NIH and CDC,
and others which detail the facts of iatrogenia.
Reach for the front-page story of JAMA, from Aug, 2000, I believe it was,
where eis organ of a very suspect organization admits to over 100K deaths,
because if you don't believe that your life and the lives of your children depend on this,
you actually double your chances of being one of the FOUR THOUSAND people,
so sorry, four thousand people who will die this week alone from doctor or hospital error.

The Shortcut Zen of Mastery and all of the other Masters and Millioanires sites,
are designed for your life because you're worth it...
MisterShortcut's gift to you, in hope that you will learn more and live more,
believing wholeheartedly that you should heal naturally, so that you may live longer and stronger, healthier and happier.